Sunday, November 30, 2008

Blind love...

Empty house, empty street don't scare me,
All around breaking down, I stand to be.
I can't feel the fright all about waking,
Coz I know nothing can be worse than this.

No longer I have you, no longer things are same.

Being Lonely is the worst feeling they say,
but, aint it better than what I feel this way.
Coz I don't even know if I still have you.
Makes me feel like a bunch of unwanted blue.

I wonder if I alone, see the things differently,

Ain't my love for you like a still portrait?
beautiful, to just hang around the space.
Why do I still pretend it all these unseen?
Coz May be I want you, may be I need you.

I Still wanna believe you want me, you need me too.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Miss u!

I miss you,
Not just when the lights are off,
and am forced to be with myself,
Even with thousand faces around,
and each giving me a reason to smile.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Aganist me!

My thousand beautiful desires,
zaped into a dream called you.
Now,that it turned nightmare,
Haunting night after night,
I dwell here,in your memories,
waiting for the dawn to arrive,
to disappear in unknown faces.
with the dimmer of day lights,
heart sinks again,into a void,
Just me and a struggle,
against myself...

Goodbye note!

A paper blank await,
Looking paler than white.
For the designs in blue,
with heart stiched and glue.
Holding the broken pieces back,
Knowing just what I lack.
waiting to convince myself,
wanting someone to help.
Millions of words left unheard,
not just today or day before,
But, since seasons ago.
Would one more plea,bring a miracle?
For someone on earth, just another being,
Wishing a boon from above,
when you are so special to me,
Am I not so worth to you?
If I am,Wouldn't have to write this.
If I am not,wouldn't need to write this.
Have not a word more to say,

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Moved on...

Dew drops, Sun rise,
Cool breeze, Warm rays,
Doesnt remind me of you.
Coz I have moved on...

Missed call, New mail,
Door bell, Old text,
Doesnt remind me of you.
Coz I have moved on...

Coffe mug, Photo frame,
Good song, Way long,
Doesnt remind me of you.
Coz I have moved on...

Night walk, Old clock,
Full moon, cold night,
Doesnt remind me of you.
Coz I have moved on...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hold back!

Tomorrow is not promised to anyone,
young or old alike,
Today may be the last chance,
to get hold your loved one tight,
So if you are waiting for tomorrow,
why not do it today??
For if tomorrow never comes,
you'll surely regret the day.
That you didn't take that extra time,
for a smile, a hug, or a kiss
you were too busy to grant someone,
what turned out to be their last wish.
So hold your loved ones close,
and whisper in their ear,
tell them how much you love them,
and that you'll always hold them dear.

P.S. Written by a dear friend...!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Perfect plan!

I stole a few stars from the sky,
placed in a box, put it up high.

I could break a part of the moon,
It was already a piece, not full.

I made flowers come closer to pane,
only fragnance,not allowed to peek.

The breeze promised to dazzle across,
With leaves swaying to the rhythm.

Waiting in the dark, to reveal,
Surprise,for long could not conceal.

Hands around my waist,so horrified,
In your arms, exit the cold sweat.

I could feel your smile in the dark,
when I kissed, you were smiling too!

Lights flicker,flowers await,
So is the wind and the melody.

But,everything ceased to exist,
It was just you and me.
It was perfect!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Let me go!

I watch my dreams, so precious,
moving from hands to hands,
holding the subtle string,
so strong with love and care.

Like a kite, in the sky I fly,
My content so evaporated,
with no destination, no reasons,
Suffocating in the open air.

Let me go, what way I want,
Cease the bond and the love.
No heights can scare me,
I know the path, I can lead.

If ever dreams exit, life tangles,
Nothing reaches the expectation.
Holding the broken pieces back,
I will learn to heal and mend.

What if not a perfect circle,
would compose and sense am alive.
No matter failure or success,
Will have something to call mine!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Dare not..!

Dare not,
Blame it on me.
For no reasons,
It was you,who fought.
Everytime I hoped better,
It happened other way round.

Dare not,
Say those words.
I don't love you!
I am no piece of glass.
You know me not,
Infact,Know not my love.

Dare not,
Act possessive.
Am where you left me,
My lifestyle the same old.
Except you aren't part.
As you choose to move.

Dare not,
Come back to me.
For, now I taught myself,
To live without you.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

I miss you...!

I woke up in the morning,
to the rhythm of raindrops,
dancing on the pane.
Even before I opened my eyes,
I knew I miss you!

I pulled a book, pretended busy,
flipped a page,there was a picture,
of you and me, in glee.
Even before I closed it,
I knew I miss you!

I cooked a recipe, occupied,
It smelled great,
just the way you like,
Even before I tasted it,
I knew I miss you!

I switched on the radio,
It played the tune,
you sang for me,
Even before I switched it off,
I knew I miss you!

I tried every second,not to think of you.
But realized that's what I did,
Thinking not to think of you!
I gave up, dialled your number,
Even before I hear your voice,
I said, "I miss you!"

Sunday, July 27, 2008

No angel..!

Everytime you rip my heart,
It's bleeding your love.
Drop by drop melts on the floor,
so cold, just like my soul.
Don't touch or pinch,
Leave it to heal,
Only partial, Not complete
Pardon,I can't start all over again.
Because am no angel..!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Eternal flames!!

Had I poured my heart,
Onto a paper blank,
In a blink of eye,
Would turn black and crumble!

I carry the flame inside,
you had just lit.
Burning my skin and soul,
No amount of breeze,
would blow it.

I stand under the sky,
wide open my arms,
Drenched in downpour.
A raindrop had'nt,
touched the blaze.

I make no effort,
to swash.
I would carry it,
to my ashes safe.
Coz YOU gave it all!

Losing the lost..!

Though staying miles apart,
My heart runs around you,
Hoping you travel my way.

Tired of chasing you,
Tired of awaiting you,
Wonder why ain't tired of being tired!

Around the corner of my heart,
I still hope,
one day, you will be mine.
But every season,
Brings me the same story,
Pondering over lost!
Everyday I feel like,
Am losing the lost!

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Across the table,
Silence screams,
Shoot out some words,
Before I explode.

Standstill our world,
Just touch,
Make a ripple,
That stirs the love.

I hold your hand,
Or open my fist.
Like a sand.
Either way,
you slip!

I fill the beach,
Named every star,
with a question!
What went wrong?

My efforts in vain,
Spectator, I watch
The show,
Of the fading love!

Monday, June 16, 2008


Away from you,
Every night I sleep just to realize,
when I wake up to the new day,
I am getting closer to the day,
I would meet u!

Friday, June 13, 2008


I fliped a coin,
So many times.
The verdict was,
Sometimes yes.
Sometimes no.
It had two face,
Like my decision.
I give a try.
"I still love you."
I typed the text.
Erase and redo.
Finally sent.
Would you reply or no?
Those few seconds,
were ages unknown.
Yes, the mobile beeped.
"Hey you dint sleep yet? Good night"
So you don't want to know,
What deprived me of sleep.
And what is so good about the night?
I cursed myself and sleep.
I woke up in the morning,
With messy hair,
And scars of dried tears,
You were next to me!
Kissed my inert eyes,
Said, "You still love me."

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Last night, I tried to bury,
All the memories of us.
For one last time,
I cried my heart out.
Let go the anguish and pain.
Frustrated to confused.
I close my eyes and pray.

When I woke up,I see you next to me,
Sleeping like an innocent child,
unaware of worldly obligations.
I smile,sigh of relief.
Just a dream.

Rolling back to the time,
Next morning,when my senses were almost dead.
I had to make a choice,
You or move on.
Strangely I choose to move on with you.

Dream haunts
May be
A note
That my prayers are answered!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Childhood friends...

Two little kids, were friends found,
Barely three feet above the ground.

Brattiest boy, did whackiest things,
She was his partner in crime.

Hand in hand they moved around,
Sang summer song all day long.

Pranks he played, people complained,
Blame she took, always retained.

Shared tattos, gum and jelly,
Played the games, really silly.

Floated paper ships in monsoon rain,
Waved good byes to the passing train.

Little fingers counted stars in screams,
Painted the future in big bright dreams.

Promised each other, together forever,
Had no clue, would happen never.

Destiny had something else in store,
Parted wishing, were together more.


Silly fights,
No reasons,
over a pen or pencil.

calling names,
until one burst into tears.

Serious Threats,
Letting out,
Little secrets.

Stupid games,
End up as soon as they begin.
With "cheater,cheater".

Complaining mom,
Made up story,
Great pleasure.

Sweet things,
Now laugh at.
were once,


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